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Columbia Bank

Cost-Effective Solutions to Protect You From Unforeseen Events Through Personal Insurance

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Property Insurance

Homeowners Insurance

Coverage for your home, condo or townhouse, or vacation home

Homeowners insurance not only protects your home, it also protects your personal property within. This policy can also provide liability coverage for you and your family members, as well as coverage if a guest of yours is accidentally injured while at your home. You've made a serious financial commitment as a homeowner - protect that investment and yourself. 

Renter's Insurance

Coverage for liability and your contents while renting

Most landlord policies only cover the building you live in, not your personal property or your personal liability. Coverage is also available for Loss of Use, which will assist you with expenses you incur should you be displaced from your living space.

Landlord Policy

For 1-4 family rental properties

Landlord insurance protects the home you own and rent to others against Property Damage, Loss of Rental Income and Liability.  Landlord insurance covers the owner’s property, not the tenant’s belongings (which is the purpose of renter’s insurance).  Protect your investment today.

Flood Insurance

Flood damage is not covered by your homeowner's policy. Flood is not only a "coastal exposure", as it can occur almost anywhere. Let us review the flood risk map for your community and provide you with a quote to help keep you afloat.

Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

For most people, this may be your greatest exposure throughout daily life. This coverage is not only designed to protect your vehicle, but you as well. Liability, Physical Damage, Rental Reimbursement, Towing, and Personal Injury Protection - these coverages will not only allow you to get back on the road, but back on your feet as well.


Personal Umbrella

Increase your liability limits on your Homeowner's and Personal Auto policies with an Umbrella policy. Limits up to $5 million are available through most carriers and would be in addition to the limits on your underlying coverage.

High Value Assets

Some valuable assets may not be protected by your personal insurance policies. These items may include jewelry and artwork. Ask about a “rider” or “floater”, a policy designed to kick in where traditional insurance coverage ends.

Recreational Vehicle

Ask us about insurance for your off-road vehicle, motor home, or trailer.


Columbia Insurance Services, Inc. is licensed to do business as an insurance agency in New Jersey under license number 9951171 and Pennsylvania under license number 576712. We offer a broad range of insurance products to New Jersey and Pennsylvania residents and businesses. Columbia Insurance Services, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Columbia Bank. Insurance products are: Not FDIC Insured, Not a Deposit, Not Guaranteed by the Bank, May Lose Value.


1500 Irving Street Rahway, NJ 07065
Phone: (732) 587-1555 
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